Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a model that helps us be socially accountable to ourselves, and the public. We practice corporate social responsibility, by being conscious of the kind of impact we have on all aspects of society. We engage in CSR in ways that enhance society and the environment instead of contributing negatively to them.

Environmental responsibility is fundamental in preserving mother nature. By Reducing pollution, waste, natural resource consumption, and emissions and Recycling goods and materials throughout its processes including promoting re-use practices with its customers.

Ethical responsibility is acting in a fair, ethical manner. By setting standards that ensure fair treatment of all clients regardless of age, race, culture, or sexual orientation.

Philanthropic responsibility challenges how the company acts and how we can contribute to society. In its simplest form, philanthropic responsibility refers to how a company spends its resources to make the world a better place. 

Our environmental policy is to reuse and recycle as much as possible. The office is striving towards being paperless and printing only when necessary. The preferred option is to hold meetings remotely rather than travelling, travel only when necessary.

Philanthropic policy will support chosen charities by fund raising, and this year we will be supporting Shekinah Mission in Plymouth. Please see their website to donate.


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